Your two-page article is printed on professional satin grade paper using the original digital files and reverse mounted to 1/4” thick 24″ x 36″ acrylic for optimal vibrancy, color accuracy and longevity. The print is backed with a solid backer for rigidity and protection. The print is finished with mounting posts in each corner so print floats off the wall. This gallery quality product will display your article beautifully for years to come. As GB Magazine never releases its digital files, this is the only way to receive a high-quality commemorative plaque of your article.
We do not work with nor endorse any outside commemorative plaque company; no sales rep calling you offering anything like this will be able to deliver.
Plaque is shipped with a blue film protector to be removed once received. (Shown here with film)
Product will be delivered to you in San Diego- shipping outside of San Diego is additional.